Thursday, October 27, 2011

Occupy Wall Street

I had lunch with a friend, an old friend, who I knew leaned rightward, but I was surprised at his stance.  He'd risen up the corporate ladder to heights very high.  So high, I guess it's hard to see the ground.  Obama, he said, won't be re-elected, for sure. Because, he said,  everyone knows it's his fault.  The Occupy-wall-streeters, he said,  could all get jobs if they wanted.  They don't want, he said, to work.

That can't be right.
The movement lacks a voice, that's clear.....
The movement lacks a voice that's clear.

But isn't the gist that it should not be so hard.  I am reminded of how cruel commerce can be by the nineteenth century factories.  We need regulation for a reason.  The excesses.  But maybe we don't need so much excess regulation.  There has to be a middle ground.

Is the movement is looking for the middle ground?

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